Saturday, April 12, 2008

HUGH Miracles in a Scarry Time

Many of you already heard that Spenser had a Grand-Mal Seizure Friday Night. It is the first (and hopefully the only one) he had He is doing well. Really scarred but good.

The miracles. My business wrapped up early Friday afternoon and I was able to get an earlier flight home. Ed was busy so I asked Spenser to pick me up. He got off of work early and picked me up and took me home. Then he decided to wash his car. That's when the seizure hit. He pedalled backwards and landed in the grass instead of on the cement... AND if he hadn't picked me up and left work early... he would have been driving on the freeway at that time.

Our Heavenly Father was sure watching out for him! We appreciate all the calls and prayers you've sent! May God Bless Each and Every One of You!



Dee and Bobbie said...

We hope everything is OK and we're praying for you

The Prices said...

You guys are in our prayers. Keep us updated on how he is doing!

Wynter said...

My mom called me right after she found out, Im so glad he is doin fine. It is crazy how things work out sometime, I dont know how people cant fathom the possibility that there is a God.